The Journey of a Making Me Child in Primary School
…begins when they join their school in September with:
The Making Me Wellbeing Assembly:
All children in the school learn how we can care for our mental health as well as our physical health and how our resources will help them; the first classroom based resource in the Emotional Literacy Programme is…
The Feelings Flowers for Reception to Year 4 (and Feelings Phones for Years 5&6)
Each class has a set of A3 flower pictures – the Feelings Flowers – which represent one of five different feelings. Every morning, each child places their picture caterpillar on whichever Feeling Flower best represents their emotional state. The Feelings Flowers are an emotional barometer which highlights to the class teacher the emotional wellbeing of each child in the class and helps to promote a positive, nurturing relationship between the child and their teacher. The Feelings Flowers can be used at various points during the day as required. At the same time, the Making Me child is introduced to…
KIPSY the Caterpillar
Each week the children watch a video or listen to a story where KIPSY introduces a range of different feelings and, through them, the children are encouraged to discuss their own experience of each feeling and to reflect on the value of being calm which they learn to practise through a short mindfulness exercise. The different versions of the storybook are written to reflect the different levels of understanding, with versions available from Nursery through to Year 4.
The Shield of Resilience Workshop
A key part of the Making Me child’s journey is the Shield of Resilience workshop, which is delivered to all children in years 3 – 6 by a member of the Making Me workshop team. In this upbeat and fun workshop, children are encouraged to acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses and to recognise that it is OK to be themselves. They learn the value of practising resilience – letting things that bother us ‘bounce off’ and ‘keeping going’ when we find things tricky. Schools are encouraged to build on these skills by noticing children who show resilience throughout the school day and awarding resilience certificates or stickers as appropriate.
Before our Making Me child leaves primary school, they take part in…
‘Moving On’ – Summer Term Assembly for Year 6:
In preparation for the transition to their next school, Year 6 pupils are reminded of the strategies they have learnt to stay mentally and emotionally well and how to help themselves respond when faced with challenges as they move forward.